Welcome to the bioinformatics group!
The Bioinformatics group is located in the Department of Molecular Biology at the Division of Biology, Faculty of science in Zagreb, Croatia. The group was formed in 2002 in an effort to include bioinformatics and computational biology courses in the molecular biology curriculum at the Faculty of Science and to motivate undergraduate and graduate students for research in this prominent and highly interesting new field of biology.
Our present research interests include codon usage analysis in whole genomes (INCA), protein-protein interactions and microarray data processing and analysis (MADNet).
We are open to all forms of collaborative activities! We are always looking for interesting biological problems to apply our computational biology methods. We are happy to share our knowledge and eager to learn from the more experienced bioinformatics groups worldwide.
The group is funded through several highly competitive grants. Among them is the EMBO Young Investigator Programme Installation Grant, awarded in 2006. Other funding sources include ICGEB Collaborative Research Project, EC Sixth Framework Programme and Croatian Ministry of Science.
Teaching activities are one of our main priorities. We teach bioinformatics for biology undergraduates and computational biology for graduate students in molecular and cellular biology. Our teaching is compliant with the guidelines of the Bologna convention and we extensively use distance-learning methods. Bioinfo.hr is the organizer of the annual bioinformatics course with lecturers from the European Bioinformatics Institute, University of Cambridge, UK and University of Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Bioinformatics group is the coordinator and maintainer of the Croatian bioinformatics referral centre – bioinformatika.hr.